What was your first shoot like? What is the key to a successful shoot?
Nerve wracking to say the least! I brought half my closet and every pair of heels I owned and we only shot one outfit! Lol! It was super fast and I was praying we had at least one good shot. After it was all said and done I realized I stressed for nothing. The key to successful shoot is just having fun and be yourself!
Who are some photographers you have shot with over the past few years? Are there any photographers you have not shot with that you would like to?
I’ve worked some amazing people! Fotodoor, David Rocha, Silvia Paveri, Justice Howard, Kat Attack, Chelsea Tavis, Jellyfish Jones, Marite Ambrosia, and Rosie Johnson are just a few! There are so many talented photographers out there and a few that are still on my bucket list are Hugo Velasquez, Sophie Boss & Richard Marz.
When you’re not busy modeling you love being outdoors. What are some fun adventures you have had recently in the Pacific Northwest?
Going anywhere I can take my dogs and explore all day without seeing lots of people. There are a few national parks in Canby, Barton, & McIver where there are acres of woods to run around in all day! Happy dogs makes me the happiest!
How have you have seen the ink’dustry change/ progress over the past couple of years.
The industry is forever changing. I would say for the better in most aspects. The quality and detail in tattoos have come a long ways and is constantly improving. With tattoos being so popular now business is booming and they are more accepted in society and the workplace. With all this comes the bad. The old school ways of apprenticing, learning how to build your own machines and color are no longer required. Anyone can pay to get their license at a tattoo school whether they have artistic skills or not. Resulting in Scratchers messing people’s skin up with horrible tattoos.
Do you have any advice to alt models starting out?
Network, Network, Network!!!!! Start a Facebook, Instagram, Model Mayhem account. Reach out to photographers you would like to shoot with. Go to events and meet people in the industry. Get your face out there in any way you can and network ladies!
Tell us a little more about you tattoo collection and tattoo artists you have worked with.
Do you have a specific artists and styles that attract you in both the tattoo realm as well as the creative arts? If so who and what are they and why?
I don’t really have a certain style that I go for. I just love bright & bold! My goal is to have a full body suit that is so colorful you can’t help but notice.
The post Angie Walls at Naked Falls appeared first on HOUSEINK Digital Publication.